From Noel Gallagher's 'Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere' tour diary.
Yes comrades . . . so Lima? (that's in Peru by the way)
It's also the place where I wrote that song of mine called "If I Had A Gun".
Nice place. Foggy. Stinks of dead fish!! Got a little bit wasted the first night on that drink "pisco sour"? The locals say you should only ever have 2 and under no circumstances should one attempt a 3rd. I must admit that did sound like a bit of a challenge at the time and one I would live to regret!! Think I got into double figures. Great night . . . horrific morning. Terrible hangover.
Someone suggested a walk about the following afternoon and as I'd never actually left the hotel last time I was here I thought "fuck it . . . why not?"
It quickly descended into farce with an ever growing mob of kids (fans and that . . . ) following us everywhere. Felt a bit like Jesus (looked a bit like Jesus if the truth be told!!). It was decided we should fuck it off and jib back to the hotel. Someone then mentioned that there was an ancient pyramid nearby so a couple of us set off to find it. I do like a pyramid me . . . mysterious pointy things . . . I love 'em!! Trouble is when we got there it was closed (not like a shop . . . it's a tourist attraction innit!!) but they let us in anyway, only they have us a guide who started to give us a brick by brick account of it's history. I felt the life being sucked out of me as the centuries whizzed by until . . . I just . . . walked off (you know when you just need a lie down?) he's no doubt probably still yakking on about wedges and building techniques!!
Anyway . . . the gig!! The gig was great . . . it was in a football stadium . . . well at least part of a football stadium. I wouldn't say it was the best place I've ever played, but top night all the same. Great crowd . . . loud . . . and lot's of 'em! The night ended with a police escort back to the hotel. Now . . . I've been in a few police escorts in my time but I can safely say I've NEVER been overtaken in one . . . by a bus . . . TWICE!!!!! High speed it was not. Job done though.
Adios Peru. You were slightly unhinged but mega . . . in a scary kind of way.
I am currently in Santiago (that's in Chile by the way). Getting an early night. Got to be up early tomorrow to watch Manchester City. We need one more win and we'll be crowned champions!!!
Gonna be a tense morning . . . .
If god wills it etc . . . .
Blast From The Past: Liam Gallagher
Hace 16 horas
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